status_t ACodec::configureCodec( const char *mime, const sp<AMessage> &msg) { int32_t encoder; if (!msg->findInt32("encoder", &encoder)) { encoder = false; }
sp<AMessage> inputFormat = new AMessage(); sp<AMessage> outputFormat = mNotify->dup();
mIsEncoder = encoder;
mInputMetadataType = kMetadataBufferTypeInvalid; mOutputMetadataType = kMetadataBufferTypeInvalid;
status_t err = setComponentRole(encoder , mime);
if (err != OK) { return err; }
int32_t bitRate = 0; if (encoder && strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_FLAC) && !msg->findInt32("bitrate", &bitRate)) { return INVALID_OPERATION; }
int32_t storeMeta; if (encoder && msg->findInt32("store-metadata-in-buffers", &storeMeta) && storeMeta != 0) { err = mOMX->storeMetaDataInBuffers(mNode, kPortIndexInput, OMX_TRUE, &mInputMetadataType); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("[%s] storeMetaDataInBuffers (input) failed w/ err %d", mComponentName.c_str(), err);
return err; } if (mInputMetadataType == kMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource) { mInputMetadataType = kMetadataBufferTypeCameraSource; }
uint32_t usageBits; if (mOMX->getParameter( mNode, (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_IndexParamConsumerUsageBits, &usageBits, sizeof(usageBits)) == OK) { inputFormat->setInt32( "using-sw-read-often", !!(usageBits & GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN)); } }
int32_t prependSPSPPS = 0; if (encoder && msg->findInt32("prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames", &prependSPSPPS) && prependSPSPPS != 0) { OMX_INDEXTYPE index; err = mOMX->getExtensionIndex( mNode, "", &index);
if (err == OK) { PrependSPSPPSToIDRFramesParams params; InitOMXParams(¶ms); params.bEnable = OMX_TRUE;
err = mOMX->setParameter( mNode, index, ¶ms, sizeof(params)); }
if (err != OK) { ALOGE("Encoder could not be configured to emit SPS/PPS before " "IDR frames. (err %d)", err);
return err; } }
int32_t video = !strncasecmp(mime, "video/", 6); mIsVideo = video; if (encoder && video) { OMX_BOOL enable = (OMX_BOOL) (prependSPSPPS && msg->findInt32("store-metadata-in-buffers-output", &storeMeta) && storeMeta != 0);
err = mOMX->storeMetaDataInBuffers(mNode, kPortIndexOutput, enable, &mOutputMetadataType); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("[%s] storeMetaDataInBuffers (output) failed w/ err %d", mComponentName.c_str(), err); }
if (!msg->findInt64( "repeat-previous-frame-after", &mRepeatFrameDelayUs)) { mRepeatFrameDelayUs = -1ll; }
if (!msg->findInt64("max-pts-gap-to-encoder", &mMaxPtsGapUs)) { mMaxPtsGapUs = -1ll; }
if (!msg->findFloat("max-fps-to-encoder", &mMaxFps)) { mMaxFps = -1; }
if (!msg->findInt64("time-lapse", &mTimePerCaptureUs)) { mTimePerCaptureUs = -1ll; }
if (!msg->findInt32( "create-input-buffers-suspended", (int32_t*)&mCreateInputBuffersSuspended)) { mCreateInputBuffersSuspended = false; } }
sp<RefBase> obj; bool haveNativeWindow = msg->findObject("native-window", &obj) && obj != NULL && video && !encoder; mLegacyAdaptiveExperiment = false; if (video && !encoder) { inputFormat->setInt32("adaptive-playback", false);
int32_t usageProtected; if (msg->findInt32("protected", &usageProtected) && usageProtected) { if (!haveNativeWindow) { ALOGE("protected output buffers must be sent to an ANativeWindow"); return PERMISSION_DENIED; } mFlags |= kFlagIsGrallocUsageProtected; mFlags |= kFlagPushBlankBuffersToNativeWindowOnShutdown; } } if (haveNativeWindow) { sp<ANativeWindow> nativeWindow = static_cast<ANativeWindow *>(static_cast<Surface *>(obj.get()));
int32_t autoFrc; if (msg->findInt32("auto-frc", &autoFrc)) { bool enabled = autoFrc; OMX_CONFIG_BOOLEANTYPE config; InitOMXParams(&config); config.bEnabled = (OMX_BOOL)enabled; status_t temp = mOMX->setConfig( mNode, (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_IndexConfigAutoFramerateConversion, &config, sizeof(config)); if (temp == OK) { outputFormat->setInt32("auto-frc", enabled); } else if (enabled) { ALOGI("codec does not support requested auto-frc (err %d)", temp); } }
int32_t tunneled; if (msg->findInt32("feature-tunneled-playback", &tunneled) && tunneled != 0) { ALOGI("Configuring TUNNELED video playback."); mTunneled = true;
int32_t audioHwSync = 0; if (!msg->findInt32("audio-hw-sync", &audioHwSync)) { ALOGW("No Audio HW Sync provided for video tunnel"); } err = configureTunneledVideoPlayback(audioHwSync, nativeWindow); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("configureTunneledVideoPlayback(%d,%p) failed!", audioHwSync, nativeWindow.get()); return err; }
int32_t maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0; if (msg->findInt32("max-width", &maxWidth) && msg->findInt32("max-height", &maxHeight)) {
err = mOMX->prepareForAdaptivePlayback( mNode, kPortIndexOutput, OMX_TRUE, maxWidth, maxHeight); if (err != OK) { ALOGW("[%s] prepareForAdaptivePlayback failed w/ err %d", mComponentName.c_str(), err); err = OK; } else { inputFormat->setInt32("max-width", maxWidth); inputFormat->setInt32("max-height", maxHeight); inputFormat->setInt32("adaptive-playback", true); } } } else { ALOGV("Configuring CPU controlled video playback."); mTunneled = false;
err = native_window_set_sideband_stream(nativeWindow.get(), NULL); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("set_sideband_stream(NULL) failed! (err %d).", err); return err; }
err = mOMX->storeMetaDataInBuffers( mNode, kPortIndexOutput, OMX_TRUE, &mOutputMetadataType); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("[%s] storeMetaDataInBuffers failed w/ err %d", mComponentName.c_str(), err);
int usageBits = 0; bool canDoAdaptivePlayback;
if (nativeWindow->query( nativeWindow.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_CONSUMER_USAGE_BITS, &usageBits) != OK) { canDoAdaptivePlayback = false; } else { canDoAdaptivePlayback = (usageBits & (GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_MASK | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_MASK)) == 0; }
int32_t maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0; if (canDoAdaptivePlayback && msg->findInt32("max-width", &maxWidth) && msg->findInt32("max-height", &maxHeight)) { ALOGV("[%s] prepareForAdaptivePlayback(%dx%d)", mComponentName.c_str(), maxWidth, maxHeight);
err = mOMX->prepareForAdaptivePlayback( mNode, kPortIndexOutput, OMX_TRUE, maxWidth, maxHeight); ALOGW_IF(err != OK, "[%s] prepareForAdaptivePlayback failed w/ err %d", mComponentName.c_str(), err);
if (err == OK) { inputFormat->setInt32("max-width", maxWidth); inputFormat->setInt32("max-height", maxHeight); inputFormat->setInt32("adaptive-playback", true); } } err = OK; } else { ALOGV("[%s] storeMetaDataInBuffers succeeded", mComponentName.c_str()); CHECK(storingMetadataInDecodedBuffers()); mLegacyAdaptiveExperiment = ADebug::isExperimentEnabled( "legacy-adaptive", !msg->contains("no-experiments"));
inputFormat->setInt32("adaptive-playback", true); }
int32_t push; if (msg->findInt32("push-blank-buffers-on-shutdown", &push) && push != 0) { mFlags |= kFlagPushBlankBuffersToNativeWindowOnShutdown; } }
int32_t rotationDegrees; if (msg->findInt32("rotation-degrees", &rotationDegrees)) { mRotationDegrees = rotationDegrees; } else { mRotationDegrees = 0; } }
if (video) { bool usingSwRenderer = false; if (haveNativeWindow && mComponentName.startsWith("")) { usingSwRenderer = true; haveNativeWindow = false; }
if (encoder) { err = setupVideoEncoder(mime, msg); } else { err = setupVideoDecoder(mime, msg, haveNativeWindow); }
if (err != OK) { return err; }
if (haveNativeWindow) { mNativeWindow = static_cast<Surface *>(obj.get()); }
err = initNativeWindow(); if (err != OK) { return err; }
if (haveNativeWindow) { int32_t requestedColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused; if (msg->findInt32("color-format", &requestedColorFormat) && requestedColorFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible) { status_t err = getPortFormat(kPortIndexOutput, outputFormat); if (err != OK) { return err; } int32_t colorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused; OMX_U32 flexibleEquivalent = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused; if (!outputFormat->findInt32("color-format", &colorFormat)) { ALOGE("ouptut port did not have a color format (wrong domain?)"); return BAD_VALUE; } ALOGD("[%s] Requested output format %#x and got %#x.", mComponentName.c_str(), requestedColorFormat, colorFormat); if (!isFlexibleColorFormat( mOMX, mNode, colorFormat, haveNativeWindow, &flexibleEquivalent) || flexibleEquivalent != (OMX_U32)requestedColorFormat) { ALOGI("[%s] Falling back to software renderer", mComponentName.c_str()); mNativeWindow.clear(); mNativeWindowUsageBits = 0; haveNativeWindow = false; usingSwRenderer = true; if (storingMetadataInDecodedBuffers()) { err = mOMX->storeMetaDataInBuffers( mNode, kPortIndexOutput, OMX_FALSE, &mOutputMetadataType); mOutputMetadataType = kMetadataBufferTypeInvalid; inputFormat->setInt32("adaptive-playback", false); } if (err == OK) { err = mOMX->enableGraphicBuffers(mNode, kPortIndexOutput, OMX_FALSE); } if (mFlags & kFlagIsGrallocUsageProtected) { err = PERMISSION_DENIED; } else if (err == OK) { err = setupVideoDecoder(mime, msg, false); } } } }
if (usingSwRenderer) { outputFormat->setInt32("using-sw-renderer", 1); } } else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_MPEG)) { int32_t numChannels, sampleRate; if (!msg->findInt32("channel-count", &numChannels) || !msg->findInt32("sample-rate", &sampleRate)) { err = OK; } else { err = setupRawAudioFormat( encoder ? kPortIndexInput : kPortIndexOutput, sampleRate, numChannels); } } else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC)) { int32_t numChannels, sampleRate; if (!msg->findInt32("channel-count", &numChannels) || !msg->findInt32("sample-rate", &sampleRate)) { err = INVALID_OPERATION; } else { int32_t isADTS, aacProfile; int32_t sbrMode; int32_t maxOutputChannelCount; int32_t pcmLimiterEnable; drcParams_t drc; if (!msg->findInt32("is-adts", &isADTS)) { isADTS = 0; } if (!msg->findInt32("aac-profile", &aacProfile)) { aacProfile = OMX_AUDIO_AACObjectNull; } if (!msg->findInt32("aac-sbr-mode", &sbrMode)) { sbrMode = -1; }
if (!msg->findInt32("aac-max-output-channel_count", &maxOutputChannelCount)) { maxOutputChannelCount = -1; } if (!msg->findInt32("aac-pcm-limiter-enable", &pcmLimiterEnable)) { pcmLimiterEnable = -1; } if (!msg->findInt32("aac-encoded-target-level", &drc.encodedTargetLevel)) { drc.encodedTargetLevel = -1; } if (!msg->findInt32("aac-drc-cut-level", &drc.drcCut)) { drc.drcCut = -1; } if (!msg->findInt32("aac-drc-boost-level", &drc.drcBoost)) { drc.drcBoost = -1; } if (!msg->findInt32("aac-drc-heavy-compression", &drc.heavyCompression)) { drc.heavyCompression = -1; } if (!msg->findInt32("aac-target-ref-level", &drc.targetRefLevel)) { drc.targetRefLevel = -1; }
err = setupAACCodec( encoder, numChannels, sampleRate, bitRate, aacProfile, isADTS != 0, sbrMode, maxOutputChannelCount, drc, pcmLimiterEnable); } } else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB)) { err = setupAMRCodec(encoder, false , bitRate); } else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB)) { err = setupAMRCodec(encoder, true , bitRate); } else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_G711_ALAW) || !strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_G711_MLAW)) {
int32_t numChannels; if (!msg->findInt32("channel-count", &numChannels)) { err = INVALID_OPERATION; } else { int32_t sampleRate; if (!msg->findInt32("sample-rate", &sampleRate)) { sampleRate = 8000; } err = setupG711Codec(encoder, sampleRate, numChannels); } } else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_FLAC)) { int32_t numChannels = 0, sampleRate = 0, compressionLevel = -1; if (encoder && (!msg->findInt32("channel-count", &numChannels) || !msg->findInt32("sample-rate", &sampleRate))) { ALOGE("missing channel count or sample rate for FLAC encoder"); err = INVALID_OPERATION; } else { if (encoder) { if (!msg->findInt32( "complexity", &compressionLevel) && !msg->findInt32( "flac-compression-level", &compressionLevel)) { compressionLevel = 5; } else if (compressionLevel < 0) { ALOGW("compression level %d outside [0..8] range, " "using 0", compressionLevel); compressionLevel = 0; } else if (compressionLevel > 8) { ALOGW("compression level %d outside [0..8] range, " "using 8", compressionLevel); compressionLevel = 8; } } err = setupFlacCodec( encoder, numChannels, sampleRate, compressionLevel); } } else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_RAW)) { int32_t numChannels, sampleRate; if (encoder || !msg->findInt32("channel-count", &numChannels) || !msg->findInt32("sample-rate", &sampleRate)) { err = INVALID_OPERATION; } else { err = setupRawAudioFormat(kPortIndexInput, sampleRate, numChannels); } } else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AC3)) { int32_t numChannels; int32_t sampleRate; if (!msg->findInt32("channel-count", &numChannels) || !msg->findInt32("sample-rate", &sampleRate)) { err = INVALID_OPERATION; } else { err = setupAC3Codec(encoder, numChannels, sampleRate); } } else if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_EAC3)) { int32_t numChannels; int32_t sampleRate; if (!msg->findInt32("channel-count", &numChannels) || !msg->findInt32("sample-rate", &sampleRate)) { err = INVALID_OPERATION; } else { err = setupEAC3Codec(encoder, numChannels, sampleRate); } }
if (err != OK) { return err; }
if (!msg->findInt32("encoder-delay", &mEncoderDelay)) { mEncoderDelay = 0; }
if (!msg->findInt32("encoder-padding", &mEncoderPadding)) { mEncoderPadding = 0; }
if (msg->findInt32("channel-mask", &mChannelMask)) { mChannelMaskPresent = true; } else { mChannelMaskPresent = false; }
int32_t maxInputSize; if (msg->findInt32("max-input-size", &maxInputSize)) { err = setMinBufferSize(kPortIndexInput, (size_t)maxInputSize); } else if (!strcmp("OMX.Nvidia.aac.decoder", mComponentName.c_str())) { err = setMinBufferSize(kPortIndexInput, 8192); }
int32_t priority; if (msg->findInt32("priority", &priority)) { err = setPriority(priority); }
int32_t rateInt = -1; float rateFloat = -1; if (!msg->findFloat("operating-rate", &rateFloat)) { msg->findInt32("operating-rate", &rateInt); rateFloat = (float)rateInt; } if (rateFloat > 0) { err = setOperatingRate(rateFloat, video); }
mBaseOutputFormat = outputFormat;
err = getPortFormat(kPortIndexInput, inputFormat); if (err == OK) { err = getPortFormat(kPortIndexOutput, outputFormat); if (err == OK) { mInputFormat = inputFormat; mOutputFormat = outputFormat; } } return err; }