今天开始我将对目前较为流行的开源库以及开源框架的源码进行分析,希望能够通过学习这些源码背后的设计思想,从而让自己的编程和设计能力有所提高。 废话不多说,切入正题。今天给大家介绍的picasso是一个图片缓存库,想必很多人对他都很熟悉了,它支持三级缓存,它的使用极为简单,同时也支持十分灵活的配置方式。大家可以通过如下地址下载到源码 http://square.github.io/picasso/
Picasso.with(context) .load ("http://image.baidu.com/search/detail?z =0&ipn =") .into (imageView) ;
上面的代码是执行从网络上加载地址为http://image.baidu.com/search/detail?z=0&ipn= 的图片到指定的imageView控件中。
3 .详细流程介绍
3.1 with 流程解析: with阶段的主要任务是创建全局默认的Picasso实例,所创建的实例一般来说能够适合于绝大多数应用场景,如果不满足可以自己通过Builder来创建,也可以通过setSingletonInstance来注入我们自己创建的Picasso,但是这个方法需要在with方法前调用,因为这里创建picasso使用对是单例模式。
picasso默认对配置如下: (1) 缓存使用LRU 缓存方式,缓存大小占用应用可用存储的15% RAM (2) 硬盘缓存空间占用手机存储的2%,并且大小不小于5M,最大50MB。 (3) 具有3个线程用于磁盘和网络访问 (4) 缓存位于应用目录下对picasso-cache目录。
public static Picasso with (@NonNull Context context) { if (context == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("context == null" ); } if (singleton == null ) { synchronized (Picasso.class ) { if (singleton == null ) { singleton = new Builder(context).build(); } } } return singleton; }
我们能从Builder对象中获取到什么信息呢?一般一个对象的Builder是用于向外面暴露设置内部组件的接口(此接口非彼接口),通过暴露的接口来注入我们自定义的对象。Picasso 的 Builder也是一样的。通过它我们可以注入自定义的下载器,线程池,缓存,请求转换器,请求处理器,内部事件监听。它还有一个builder方法,它的用处就是在全部设置后,检查重要的组件是否有设置了,如果没有设置,那么就创建初始化组件来使用。
public static class Builder { private final Context context; private Downloader downloader; private ExecutorService service; private Cache cache; private Listener listener; private RequestTransformer transformer; private List<RequestHandler> requestHandlers; private Bitmap.Config defaultBitmapConfig; private boolean indicatorsEnabled; private boolean loggingEnabled; public Builder(@NonNull Context context) { if (context == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context must not be null." ); } this .context = context.getApplicationContext(); } public Builder defaultBitmapConfig(@NonNull Bitmap.Config bitmapConfig) { if (bitmapConfig == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bitmap config must not be null." ); } this .defaultBitmapConfig = bitmapConfig; return this ; } public Builder downloader(@NonNull Downloader downloader) { if (downloader == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Downloader must not be null." ); } if (this .downloader != null ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Downloader already set." ); } this .downloader = downloader; return this ; } public Builder executor(@NonNull ExecutorService executorService) { if (executorService == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Executor service must not be null." ); } if (this .service != null ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Executor service already set." ); } this .service = executorService; return this ; } public Builder memoryCache(@NonNull Cache memoryCache) { if (memoryCache == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Memory cache must not be null." ); } if (this .cache != null ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Memory cache already set." ); } this .cache = memoryCache; return this ; } public Builder listener(@NonNull Listener listener) { if (listener == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Listener must not be null." ); } if (this .listener != null ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Listener already set." ); } this .listener = listener; return this ; } public Builder requestTransformer(@NonNull RequestTransformer transformer) { if (transformer == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transformer must not be null." ); } if (this .transformer != null ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Transformer already set." ); } this .transformer = transformer; return this ; } public Builder addRequestHandler(@NonNull RequestHandler requestHandler) { if (requestHandler == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("RequestHandler must not be null." ); } if (requestHandlers == null ) { requestHandlers = new ArrayList<RequestHandler>(); } if (requestHandlers.contains(requestHandler)) { throw new IllegalStateException("RequestHandler already registered." ); } requestHandlers.add(requestHandler); return this ; } public Builder indicatorsEnabled(boolean enabled) { this .indicatorsEnabled = enabled; return this ; } public Builder loggingEnabled(boolean enabled) { this .loggingEnabled = enabled; return this ; } public Picasso build() { Context context = this .context; if (downloader == null ) { downloader = Utils.createDefaultDownloader(context); } if (cache == null ) { cache = new LruCache(context); } if (service == null ) { service = new PicassoExecutorService(); } if (transformer == null ) { transformer = RequestTransformer.IDENTITY; } Stats stats = new Stats(cache); Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher(context, service, HANDLER, downloader, cache, stats); return new Picasso(context, dispatcher, cache, listener, transformer, requestHandlers, stats, defaultBitmapConfig, indicatorsEnabled, loggingEnabled); } }
接下来我们重点看下builder方法,如果我们没有注入自定义的下载器,那么就会调用createDefaultDownloader创建出一个下载器: 下面这种写法也是比较值得借鉴的。下面的create方法只是在应用缓存目录下创建一个picasso-cache的缓存目录。后续下载的图片都缓存在这个目录下。 /**
优先选用OKHttp3.如果没有那么就使用OkHttp,再没有那么使用Android 默认的下载方式 */public static Downloader createDefaultDownloader (Context context) { if (SDK_INT >= GINGERBREAD) { try { Class.forName("okhttp3.OkHttpClient" ); return OkHttp3DownloaderCreator.create (context) ; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) { } try { Class.forName("com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient" ); return OkHttpDownloaderCreator.create (context) ; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) { } } return new UrlConnectionDownloader(context); }
public LruCache (@NonNull Context context) { this (Utils.calculateMemoryCacheSize(context)); }
static int calculateMemoryCacheSize(Context context ) { ActivityManager am = getService(context , ACTIVITY_SERVICE) ; boolean largeHeap = (context.getApplicationInfo() .flags & FLAG_LARGE_HEAP) != 0 ; int memoryClass = am.getMemoryClass() ; if (largeHeap && SDK_INT >= HONEYCOMB) { memoryClass = ActivityManagerHoneycomb . getLargeMemoryClass(am ) ; } return (int ) (1024L * 1024L * memoryClass / 7 ); }
接着我们看下默认的线程池的设置: 它是继承自ThreadPoolExcutor
class PicassoExecutorService extends ThreadPoolExecutor PicassoExecutorService () { super (DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT , DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT , 0 , TimeUnit .MILLISECONDS , new PriorityBlockingQueue <Runnable >(), new Utils .PicassoThreadFactory ()); } static class PicassoThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory { @SuppressWarnings ("NullableProblems" ) public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { return new PicassoThread (r); } } private static class PicassoThread extends Thread { public PicassoThread (Runnable r) { super (r); } @Override public void run() { Process .setThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND ); super .run(); } }
紧接着我们来看下请求转换器: 请求转换器会在每次请求被提交的时候被调用,它主要用于修改某个请求的信息。我们看到默认的请求,并没有对请求做任何事情,只是简单的将原先的请求返回。
public interface RequestTransformer { Request transformRequest(Request request ); RequestTransformer IDENTITY = new RequestTransformer() { @Override public Request transformRequest(Request request ) { return request ; } }; }
Picasso 还有一个统计对象States,用于统计Picasso中的各种事件。它的主要对象只有三个带有消息处理能力的HandlerThread线程,一个Cache引用,一个Handler。
final HandlerThread statsThread;final Cache cache;final Handler handler ;它的统计对象数据有: long cacheHits; long cacheMisses; long totalDownloadSize; long totalOriginalBitmapSize; long totalTransformedBitmapSize; long averageDownloadSize; long averageOriginalBitmapSize; long averageTransformedBitmapSize; int downloadCount; int originalBitmapCount; int transformedBitmapCount;
整个流程如下所示: 外界通过State对象调用dispatchXXXX方法,在dispatch方法中往Handler中发送事件,然后再调用performXXXX来处理这个事件。
接下来我们继续看下Dispatcher,它负责分发Action的: 我们先看下她的构造方法:
Dispatcher(Context context, ExecutorService service, Handler mainThreadHandler, Downloader downloader, Cache cache, Stats stats) { this .dispatcherThread = new DispatcherThread(); this .dispatcherThread.start(); this .handler = new DispatcherHandler(dispatcherThread.getLooper(), this ); this .mainThreadHandler = mainThreadHandler; this .service = service; this .hunterMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, BitmapHunter>(); this .failedActions = new WeakHashMap<Object, Action>(); this .pausedActions = new WeakHashMap<Object, Action>(); this .pausedTags = new HashSet<Object>(); this .downloader = downloader; this .cache = cache; this .stats = stats; this .batch = new ArrayList<BitmapHunter>(4 ); this .airplaneMode = Utils.isAirplaneModeOn(this .context); this .scansNetworkChanges = hasPermission(context, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE); this .receiver = new NetworkBroadcastReceiver(this ); receiver.register(); }
整个流程还是和State对象一致,也是由HandlerThread + Handler构成,外部调用dispatchXXX方法传递事件,在Handler中周转下最终调用performXXXX进行处理。这个具体涉及到的时候再重点介绍。 在build最后新建一个Picass对象返回,我们看下Picass对象的构造方法: /**
Picasso 有如下几个重要的对象:
Cache 缓存器
Stats 事件统计
CleanupThread 清除线程 */ Picasso(Context context, Dispatcher dispatcher, Cache cache, Listener listener, RequestTransformer requestTransformer, List<RequestHandler> extraRequestHandlers, Stats stats, Bitmap.Config defaultBitmapConfig, boolean indicatorsEnabled, boolean loggingEnabled) { this .context = context; this .dispatcher = dispatcher; this .cache = cache; this .listener = listener; this .requestTransformer = requestTransformer; this .defaultBitmapConfig = defaultBitmapConfig; int builtInHandlers = 7 ; int extraCount = (extraRequestHandlers != null ? extraRequestHandlers.size() : 0 ); List<RequestHandler> allRequestHandlers = new ArrayList<RequestHandler>(builtInHandlers + extraCount); allRequestHandlers.add(new ResourceRequestHandler(context)); if (extraRequestHandlers != null ) { allRequestHandlers.addAll(extraRequestHandlers); } allRequestHandlers.add(new ContactsPhotoRequestHandler(context)); allRequestHandlers.add(new MediaStoreRequestHandler(context)); allRequestHandlers.add(new ContentStreamRequestHandler(context)); allRequestHandlers.add(new AssetRequestHandler(context)); allRequestHandlers.add(new FileRequestHandler(context)); allRequestHandlers.add(new NetworkRequestHandler(dispatcher.downloader, stats)); requestHandlers = Collections.unmodifiableList(allRequestHandlers); this .stats = stats; this .targetToAction = new WeakHashMap<Object, Action>(); this .targetToDeferredRequestCreator = new WeakHashMap<ImageView, DeferredRequestCreator>(); this .referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<Object>(); this .cleanupThread = new CleanupThread(referenceQueue, HANDLER); this .cleanupThread.start(); this .indicatorsEnabled = indicatorsEnabled; this .loggingEnabled = loggingEnabled; }
我们可以看到在构造方法中添加了很多的requestHandler,用于对请求进行处理,这个在后面介绍流程的时候在进行介绍。 到目前为止我们知道了整个Picasso的大体结构入下图所示: 主要包括请求转换器,请求处理类,请求分发器,而请求分发器则负责将请求的分发和执行。
with流程总结: 在with阶段主要是使用建造模式和单例模式,创建Picasso对象。在通过Picasso的Builder接口我们可以看出Picasso可以允许我们注入自定义的下载器,线程池,缓存,请求转换器,请求处理器,内部事件监听。然后通过build方法中检查哪些对象还没创建,如果还没创建就使用默认的方案,在创建Picasso对象的阶段会注册系列的请求处理器为后续的请求处理做准备。 我们可以从这个部分学到什么?
Builder + 单例模式创建对象
3.2 load流程:
public RequestCreator load (@Nullable Uri uri) { return new RequestCreator (this, uri, 0 ); }
在load阶段传递的是用于标示图片的Uri. path resourceId等。返回的是RequestCreator
RequestCreator (Picasso picasso, Uri uri, int resourceId) { if (picasso.shutdown) { throw new IllegalStateException ( "Picasso instance already shut down. Cannot submit new requests." ); } this .picasso = picasso; this .data = new Request.Builder (uri, resourceId, picasso.defaultBitmapConfig); }
这里实际上只是创建了一个Request.Builder为创建请求对象做准备。load阶段很简单吧。 这个阶段重点记住load提供的接口有如下几种:
public RequestCreator load (@Nullable Uri uri) public RequestCreator load (@Nullable String path) public RequestCreator load (@NonNull File file) public RequestCreator load (@DrawableRes int resourceId)
load阶段总结: load阶段就完成两个任务,一个是创建一个RequestCreator,另一个是创建Requst.Builder.为into阶段做准备。
3.3 into流程分析: 下面代码是整个流程的代码,每个步骤我们将会在后面一一展开。
public void into(ImageView target, Callback callback) { long started = System . nanoTime() ; checkMain() ; if (target == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target must not be null." ) ; } if (!data.hasImage() ) { picasso.cancelRequest(target ) ; if (setPlaceholder) { setPlaceholder(target , getPlaceholderDrawable () ); } return; } if (deferred) { if (data.hasSize() ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fit cannot be used with resize." ) ; } int width = target.getWidth() ; int height = target.getHeight() ; if (width == 0 || height == 0 || target.isLayoutRequested() ) { if (setPlaceholder) { setPlaceholder(target , getPlaceholderDrawable () ); } picasso.defer(target, new DeferredRequestCreator(this , target , callback ) ); return; } data.resize(width, height); } Request request = createRequest(started ) ; String requestKey = createKey(request ) ; if (shouldReadFromMemoryCache(memoryPolicy ) ) { Bitmap bitmap = picasso.quickMemoryCacheCheck(requestKey ) ; if (bitmap != null) { picasso.cancelRequest(target ) ; setBitmap(target , picasso .context , bitmap , MEMORY, noFade , picasso .indicatorsEnabled ) ; if (picasso.loggingEnabled) { log(OWNER_MAIN, VERB_COMPLETED, request.plainId() , "from " + MEMORY); } if (callback != null) { callback.onSuccess() ; } return; } } if (setPlaceholder) { setPlaceholder(target , getPlaceholderDrawable () ); } Action action = new ImageViewAction(picasso , target , request , memoryPolicy ,networkPolicy , errorResId , errorDrawable , requestKey , tag , callback , noFade ) ; picasso.enqueueAndSubmit(action ) ; }
3.1.1 Request的创建过程
into阶段会先对传入的Uri进行判断,如果为空就取消请求。并根据需要决定是否显示占位符 然后使用load阶段创建的Request.Builder来创建请求。每个请求都有两个关键的成员,一个id一个创建时间。创建完Request对象后会通过请求转换器对其进行转换。
private Request createRequest(long started ) { int id = nextId.getAndIncrement() ; Request request = data.build() ; request.id = id; request.started = started; Request transformed = picasso.transformRequest(request ) ; return transformed; }
我们先来看下Request.Builder 的 build方法:
public Request build() { if (centerInside && centerCrop) { throw new IllegalStateException ("Center crop and center inside can not be used together." ); } if (centerCrop && (targetWidth == 0 && targetHeight == 0 )) { throw new IllegalStateException ( "Center crop requires calling resize with positive width and height." ); } if (centerInside && (targetWidth == 0 && targetHeight == 0 )) { throw new IllegalStateException ( "Center inside requires calling resize with positive width and height." ); } if (priority == null ) { priority = Priority.NORMAL; } return new Request (uri, resourceId, stableKey, transformations, targetWidth, targetHeight, centerCrop, centerInside, centerCropGravity, onlyScaleDown, rotationDegrees, rotationPivotX, rotationPivotY, hasRotationPivot, purgeable, config, priority); } }
上述的build过程首先对参数进行检查,通过上述的Requst对象中注入了包括uri在内的众多参数。 紧接着就是根据request对象来生成用于标示Requst的RequestKey。
static String createKey(Request data , StringBuilder builder) { if (data .stableKey != null ) { builder .ensureCapacity (data .stableKey .length () + KEY_PADDING ); builder .append (data .stableKey ); } else if (data .uri != null ) { String path = data .uri .toString (); builder .ensureCapacity (path .length () + KEY_PADDING ); builder .append (path ); } else { builder .ensureCapacity (KEY_PADDING ); builder .append (data .resourceId ); } builder.append(KEY_SEPARATOR ); if (data .rotationDegrees != 0) { builder .append ("rotation :").append (data .rotationDegrees ); if (data .hasRotationPivot ) { builder .append ('@').append (data .rotationPivotX ).append ('x' ).append (data .rotationPivotY ); } builder.append(KEY_SEPARATOR ); } if (data .hasSize()) { builder .append ("resize :").append (data .targetWidth ).append ('x' ).append (data .targetHeight ); builder .append (KEY_SEPARATOR ); } if (data .centerCrop) { builder .append ("centerCrop :").append (data .centerCropGravity ).append (KEY_SEPARATOR ); } else if (data .centerInside ) { builder .append ("centerInside ").append (KEY_SEPARATOR ); } if (data .transformations != null) { //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach for (int i = 0, count = data .transformations .size (); i < count ; i ++) { builder .append (data .transformations .get (i ).key ()); builder .append (KEY_SEPARATOR ); } } return builder.toString(); }
3.1.2 发起请求
( 1 ) 从缓存预取 在发起请求的时候首先查看下缓存策略,看下是否优先从缓存中获取图片数据,如果是的话就调用picasso.quickMemoryCacheCheck来检查缓存中是否已经有需要的数据了。如果有就返回,并且将结果传递给统计对象。然后取消现有的请求,并将图像设置到ImageView上。
Bitmap quickMemoryCacheCheck(String key) { Bitmap cached = cache.get(key); if (cached != null) { stats.dispatchCacheHit(); } else { stats.dispatchCacheMiss(); } return cached; }
(2) 创建Action 通过其他途径获取 紧接着创建一个ImageViewAction然后调用picasso.enqueueAndSubmit将Action发出。接下来这部分是非常重要的,所以在进行这部分介绍之前进行一下总结:
在into阶段首先会使用load阶段创建的RequstCreator来创建一个Request,并设置Requst的id以及启动时间这两个关键,参数,在创建Request这个过程中会先检查一系列的参数,然后再new出一个Requst对象出来。然后再使用创建出的Requst对象的参数创建出作为Request标示的requestKey。 再根据缓存策略,查看是否优先使用缓存中的图像,如果是的话那么就使用上面创建出来的requstKey从缓存中获取,并将结果反馈给stats对象进行统计,如果不优先使用缓存中的图像的话那么就创建出一个Action,然后调用picasso.enqueueAndSubmit将Action发出。 Action 是Target 以及Request的封装,它有个重要的方法abstract void complete(Bitmap result, Picasso.LoadedFrom from)在请求结束的时候会调用这个进行处理,这个后续会进行介绍,Action的子类目前有GetAction FetchAction TargetAction ImageViewAction RmoteViewAction这些。
我们继续看接下来的流程: 在提交到分发器之前需要先检查当前Action的对象是否绑定了另外的Action,如果是的话那么取消原先的请求,将当前的Action和Target放到targetToAction。然后提交到分发器上。
void enqueueAndSubmit(Action action ) { //获取Action 中的target Object target = action .getTarget(); //如果当前targetToAction 中记录的 Target 中指定的action 不是当前的action 说明之前已经指定了,那么取消原先的 if (target cancelExistingRequest(target ); //提交到targetToAction targetToAction.put(target , action ); } //提交到分发器 submit(action ); }
void submit (Action action ) { dispatcher.dispatchSubmit (action); }
void dispatchSubmit(Action action ) { handler.sendMessage(handler .obtainMessage (REQUEST_SUBMIT, action ) ); }
@Override public void handleMessage (final Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case REQUEST_SUBMIT: { Action action = (Action) msg.obj; dispatcher.performSubmit(action); break ; } } } }
void performSubmit(Action action ) { performSubmit(action , true ) ; }
匹配requestHandler封装到BitmapHunter: 在performSubmit中根据Action来判断那个requstHandler可以处理这个请求,然后将这个requstHandler传递到新创建的BitmapHunter中。
void performSubmit(Action action , boolean dismissFailed ) { if (pausedTags.contains(action.getTag() )) { pausedActions.put(action.getTarget() , action); return; } BitmapHunter hunter = hunterMap.get(action.getKey() ); if (hunter != null) { hunter.attach(action); return; } hunter = for Request(action .getPicasso () , this, cache, stats, action); hunter.future = service.submit(hunter); hunterMap.put(action.getKey() , hunter); if (dismissFailed) { failedActions.remove(action.getTarget() ); } }
forRequst 方法中取出请求,以及请求处理器列表。依次调用请求处理器的canHandleRequst来判断当前requstHandler是否能够处理当前的请求。
static BitmapHunter for Request(Picasso picasso , Dispatcher dispatcher , Cache cache , Stats stats , Action action ) { Request request = action.getRequest() ; List<RequestHandler> requestHandlers = picasso.getRequestHandlers() ; for (int i = 0 , count = requestHandlers.size() ; i < count; i++) { RequestHandler requestHandler = requestHandlers.get(i); if (requestHandler.canHandleRequest(request ) ) { return new BitmapHunter(picasso , dispatcher , cache , stats , action , requestHandler ) ; } } return new BitmapHunter(picasso , dispatcher , cache , stats , action , ERRORING_HANDLER) ; }
每个requestHandler都有一个canHandleRequst的方法,将request进去,在这个方法中将根据请求的Uri来进行匹配。当前是否可以处理这个类型的请求。所以在new Picasso 对象的时候各个requestHandler的请求对象的添加顺序很关键。 下面是网络请求处理器的canHandleRequest的实现。
public boolean canHandleRequest(Request data ) { String scheme = data .uri.getScheme(); return (SCHEME_HTTP.equals (scheme) || SCHEME_HTTPS.equals (scheme)); }
public void run () { updateThreadName(data); result = hunt(); if (result == null ) { dispatcher.dispatchFailed(this ); } else { dispatcher.dispatchComplete(this ); } }
通过requestHandler中的load方法加载图片数据: 获取图片主要是通过hunt方法,在这个方法中会先尝试从缓存中获取,如果缓存中没有,那么通过requstHandler中的load方法,这时候会有两种可能,一种是直接返回Bitmap。另一种是返回一个InputStream。如果是Bitmap那么就直接进入下一步,如果是输入流的话需要将从流中对其进行解码。
Bitmap hunt() throws IOException { Bitmap bitmap = null; if (shouldReadFromMemoryCache(memoryPolicy ) ) { bitmap = cache.get(key); if (bitmap != null) { stats.dispatchCacheHit() ; loadedFrom = MEMORY; return bitmap; } } data.networkPolicy = retryCount == 0 ? NetworkPolicy .OFFLINE . index : networkPolicy; RequestHandler.Result result = requestHandler.load(data, networkPolicy); if (result != null) { loadedFrom = result.getLoadedFrom() ; exifOrientation = result.getExifOrientation() ; bitmap = result.getBitmap() ; if (bitmap == null) { InputStream is = result.getStream() ; try { bitmap = decodeStream(is , data ) ; } finally { Utils . closeQuietly(is ) ; } } } if (bitmap != null) { stats.dispatchBitmapDecoded(bitmap ) ; if (data.needsTransformation() || exifOrientation != 0 ) { synchronized (DECODE_LOCK) { if (data.needsMatrixTransform() || exifOrientation != 0 ) { bitmap = transformResult(data , bitmap , exifOrientation ) ; } if (data.hasCustomTransformations() ) { bitmap = applyCustomTransformations(data .transformations , bitmap ) ; } } if (bitmap != null) { stats.dispatchBitmapTransformed(bitmap ) ; } } } return bitmap; }
public Result load (Request request, int networkPolicy) throws IOException { Response response = downloader.load(request.uri, request.networkPolicy); if (response == null ) { return null ; } Picasso.LoadedFrom loadedFrom = response.cached ? DISK : NETWORK; Bitmap bitmap = response.getBitmap(); if (bitmap != null ) { return new Result (bitmap, loadedFrom); } InputStream is = response.getInputStream(); if (is == null ) { return null ; } if (loadedFrom == DISK && response.getContentLength() == 0 ) { Utils.closeQuietly(is); throw new ContentLengthException ("Received response with 0 content-length header." ); } if (loadedFrom == NETWORK && response.getContentLength() > 0 ) { stats.dispatchDownloadFinished(response.getContentLength()); } return new Result (is, loadedFrom); }
图像执行内部以及自定义变换处理: 获取到Bitmap数据之后接着就进行图像的转换,首先进行内部的转换,这个是通过调用transformRequst进行的。
static Bitmap transformResult(Request data , Bitmap result , int exifOrientation ) { int inWidth = result.getWidth() ; int inHeight = result.getHeight() ; boolean onlyScaleDown = data.onlyScaleDown; int drawX = 0 ; int drawY = 0 ; int drawWidth = inWidth; int drawHeight = inHeight; Matrix matrix = new Matrix() ; if (data.needsMatrixTransform() || exifOrientation != 0 ) { int targetWidth = data.targetWidth; int targetHeight = data.targetHeight; float targetRotation = data.rotationDegrees; if (targetRotation != 0 ) { double cosR = Math . cos(Math .to Radians(targetRotation ) ); double sinR = Math . sin(Math .to Radians(targetRotation ) ); if (data.hasRotationPivot) { matrix.setRotate(targetRotation , data .rotationPivotX , data .rotationPivotY ) ; double x1T = data.rotationPivotX * (1.0 - cosR) + (data.rotationPivotY * sinR); double y1T = data.rotationPivotY * (1.0 - cosR) - (data.rotationPivotX * sinR); double x2T = x1T + (data.targetWidth * cosR); double y2T = y1T + (data.targetWidth * sinR); double x3T = x1T + (data.targetWidth * cosR) - (data.targetHeight * sinR); double y3T = y1T + (data.targetWidth * sinR) + (data.targetHeight * cosR); double x4T = x1T - (data.targetHeight * sinR); double y4T = y1T + (data.targetHeight * cosR); double maxX = Math . max(x4T, Math . max(x3T, Math . max(x1T, x2T))); double minX = Math . min(x4T, Math . min(x3T, Math . min(x1T, x2T))); double maxY = Math . max(y4T, Math . max(y3T, Math . max(y1T, y2T))); double minY = Math . min(y4T, Math . min(y3T, Math . min(y1T, y2T))); targetWidth = (int ) Math . floor(maxX - minX); targetHeight = (int ) Math . floor(maxY - minY); } else { matrix.setRotate(targetRotation ) ; double x1T = 0.0 ; double y1T = 0.0 ; double x2T = (data.targetWidth * cosR); double y2T = (data.targetWidth * sinR); double x3T = (data.targetWidth * cosR) - (data.targetHeight * sinR); double y3T = (data.targetWidth * sinR) + (data.targetHeight * cosR); double x4T = -(data.targetHeight * sinR); double y4T = (data.targetHeight * cosR); double maxX = Math . max(x4T, Math . max(x3T, Math . max(x1T, x2T))); double minX = Math . min(x4T, Math . min(x3T, Math . min(x1T, x2T))); double maxY = Math . max(y4T, Math . max(y3T, Math . max(y1T, y2T))); double minY = Math . min(y4T, Math . min(y3T, Math . min(y1T, y2T))); targetWidth = (int ) Math . floor(maxX - minX); targetHeight = (int ) Math . floor(maxY - minY); } } if (exifOrientation != 0 ) { int exifRotation = getExifRotation(exifOrientation ) ; int exifTranslation = getExifTranslation(exifOrientation ) ; if (exifRotation != 0 ) { matrix.preRotate(exifRotation ) ; if (exifRotation == 90 || exifRotation == 270 ) { int tmpHeight = targetHeight; targetHeight = targetWidth; targetWidth = tmpHeight; } } if (exifTranslation != 1 ) { matrix.postScale(exifTranslation , 1) ; } } if (data.centerCrop) { float widthRatio = targetWidth != 0 ? targetWidth / (float ) inWidth : targetHeight / (float ) inHeight; float heightRatio = targetHeight != 0 ? targetHeight / (float ) inHeight : targetWidth / (float ) inWidth; float scaleX, scaleY; if (widthRatio > heightRatio) { int newSize = (int ) Math . ceil(inHeight * (heightRatio / widthRatio)); if ((data.centerCropGravity & Gravity.TOP) == Gravity.TOP) { drawY = 0 ; } else if ((data.centerCropGravity & Gravity.BOTTOM) == Gravity.BOTTOM) { drawY = inHeight - newSize; } else { drawY = (inHeight - newSize) / 2 ; } drawHeight = newSize; scaleX = widthRatio; scaleY = targetHeight / (float ) drawHeight; } else if (widthRatio < heightRatio) { int newSize = (int ) Math . ceil(inWidth * (widthRatio / heightRatio)); if ((data.centerCropGravity & Gravity.LEFT) == Gravity.LEFT) { drawX = 0 ; } else if ((data.centerCropGravity & Gravity.RIGHT) == Gravity.RIGHT) { drawX = inWidth - newSize; } else { drawX = (inWidth - newSize) / 2 ; } drawWidth = newSize; scaleX = targetWidth / (float ) drawWidth; scaleY = heightRatio; } else { drawX = 0 ; drawWidth = inWidth; scaleX = scaleY = heightRatio; } if (shouldResize(onlyScaleDown , inWidth , inHeight , targetWidth , targetHeight ) ) { matrix.preScale(scaleX , scaleY ) ; } } else if (data.centerInside) { float widthRatio = targetWidth != 0 ? targetWidth / (float ) inWidth : targetHeight / (float ) inHeight; float heightRatio = targetHeight != 0 ? targetHeight / (float ) inHeight : targetWidth / (float ) inWidth; float scale = widthRatio < heightRatio ? widthRatio : heightRatio; if (shouldResize(onlyScaleDown , inWidth , inHeight , targetWidth , targetHeight ) ) { matrix.preScale(scale , scale ) ; } } else if ((targetWidth != 0 || targetHeight != 0 ) && (targetWidth != inWidth || targetHeight != inHeight)) { float sx = targetWidth != 0 ? targetWidth / (float ) inWidth : targetHeight / (float ) inHeight; float sy = targetHeight != 0 ? targetHeight / (float ) inHeight : targetWidth / (float ) inWidth; if (shouldResize(onlyScaleDown , inWidth , inHeight , targetWidth , targetHeight ) ) { matrix.preScale(sx , sy ) ; } } } Bitmap newResult = Bitmap . createBitmap(result , drawX , drawY , drawWidth , drawHeight , matrix , true ) ; if (newResult != result) { result.recycle() ; result = newResult; } return result; }
static Bitmap applyCustomTransformations(List<Transformation> transformations, Bitmap result) { for (int i = 0 , count = transformations.size(); i < count; i++) { final Transformation transformation = transformations.get (i); Bitmap new Result ; try { new Result = transformation.transform(result); } catch (final RuntimeException e) { return null ; } result = new Result ; } return result; }
void dispatchComplete(BitmapHunter hunter ) { handler.sendMessage(handler .obtainMessage (HUNTER_COMPLETE, hunter ) ); }
case HUNTER_COMPLETE: { BitmapHunter hunter = (BitmapHunter) msg.obj; dispatcher.performComplete(hunter); break; }
void performComplete(BitmapHunter hunter ) { if (shouldWriteToMemoryCache(hunter .getMemoryPolicy () )) { cache.set(hunter.getKey() , hunter.getResult() ); } hunterMap.remove(hunter.getKey() ); batch(hunter); }
private void batch (BitmapHunter hunter) { if (hunter.isCancelled()) { return ; } batch.add(hunter); if (!handler .hasMessages(HUNTER_DELAY_NEXT_BATCH)) { handler .sendEmptyMessageDelayed(HUNTER_DELAY_NEXT_BATCH, BATCH_DELAY); } }
case HUNTER_DELAY_NEXT_BATCH: { dispatcher.performBatchComplete(); break ; }
void performBatchComplete() { List<BitmapHunter> copy = new ArrayList<BitmapHunter>(batch); batch.clear() ; mainThreadHandler.sendMessage(mainThreadHandler .obtainMessage (HUNTER_BATCH_COMPLETE, copy ) ); }
显示图片处理: 在complete阶段每个BitmapHunter都会将自己传递给Picasso complete中进行处理。
case HUNTER_BATCH_COMPLETE: { // 获取BitmapHunter列表 List<BitmapHunter> batch = (List<BitmapHunter>) msg.obj; // 对BitmapHandler列表中的每个handler调用complete方法进行处理。 for (int i = 0 , n = batch.size(); i < n; i++) { // 调用complete进行处理 BitmapHunter hunter = batch.get(i); hunter.picasso.complete(hunter); } break ; }
void complete(BitmapHunter hunter) { Action single = hunter.getAction() ; List<Action> joined = hunter.getActions() ; boolean hasMultiple = joined != null && !joined.isEmpty() ; boolean shouldDeliver = single != null || hasMultiple; if (!shouldDeliver) { return; } Uri uri = hunter.getData() .uri; Exception exception = hunter.getException() ; Bitmap result = hunter.getResult() ; LoadedFrom from = hunter.getLoadedFrom() ; if (single != null) { deliverAction(result , from , single ) ; } if (hasMultiple) { for (int i = 0 , n = joined.size() ; i < n; i++) { Action join = joined.get(i); deliverAction(result , from , join ) ; } } if (listener != null && exception != null) { listener.onImageLoadFailed(this , uri , exception ) ; } }
private void deliverAction(Bitmap result, LoadedFrom from , Action action ) { if (result != null) { action .complete(result, from ); } else { action .error(); } }
@Override public void complete (Bitmap result, Picasso.LoadedFrom from) { if (result == null ) { throw new AssertionError( String.format("Attempted to complete action with no result!\n%s" , this )); } ImageView target = this .target .get(); if (target == null ) { return ; } Context context = picasso.context; PicassoDrawable.setBitmap(target , context, result, from, noFade, indicatorsEnabled); if (callback != null ) { callback.onSuccess(); } }
static void setBitmap (ImageView target , Context context, Bitmap bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom loadedFrom, boolean noFade, boolean debugging) { Drawable placeholder = target .getDrawable(); if (placeholder instanceof AnimationDrawable) { ((AnimationDrawable) placeholder).stop(); } PicassoDrawable drawable = new PicassoDrawable(context, bitmap, placeholder, loadedFrom, noFade, debugging); target .setImageDrawable(drawable); }