KVC — Key Value Coding 键值编码 KVC 是一种不用通过调用 setter、getter 方法而是直接通过属性字符串名称key来存取属性的机制。
KVC 和 属性访问器的对比如下:
总而言之 KVC的特点是在运行时访问,可以访问对象私有属性和修改只读属性,在字典转模型,集合类操作方面十分便捷。
- (nullable id )valueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath; - (void )setValue:(nullable id )value forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath; - (nullable id )valueForKey:(NSString *)key; - (void )setValue:(nullable id )value forKey:(NSString *)key; + (BOOL )accessInstanceVariablesDirectly; - (BOOL )validateValue:(inout id __nullable * __nonnull )ioValue forKey:(NSString *)inKey error:(out NSError **)outError; - (nullable id )valueForUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key; - (void )setValue:(nullable id )value forUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key; - (void )setNilValueForKey:(NSString *)key; - (NSMutableArray *)mutableArrayValueForKey:(NSString *)key; - (NSMutableOrderedSet *)mutableOrderedSetValueForKey:(NSString *)key; - (NSMutableSet *)mutableSetValueForKey:(NSString *)key; - (NSMutableArray *)mutableArrayValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath; - (NSMutableOrderedSet *)mutableOrderedSetValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath; - (NSMutableSet *)mutableSetValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath; - (NSDictionary <NSString *, id > *)dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:(NSArray <NSString *> *)keys; - (void )setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:(NSDictionary <NSString *, id > *)keyedValues;
下面是KVC 关键用法的总结:
1. 设置和访问策略及访问私有属性和可读属性 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface Teacher : NSObject @property (nonatomic , strong , readonly ) NSString *readonlyValue;@end #import "Teacher.h" @interface Teacher ()@property (nonatomic , assign ,readwrite ) NSInteger age;@property (nonatomic , strong ,readwrite ) NSString *name;@property (nonatomic , assign ,readwrite ) BOOL male;@property (nonatomic , assign ,readwrite ) BOOL isTest;@end @implementation Teacher - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"name = %@ \ age = %ld \ readOnlyValue = %@ \ is Male = %d" , self .name, (long )self .age, self .readonlyValue, self .male]; } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { Teacher *teacher = [Teacher new]; [teacher setValue:@"linxiaohai" forKey:@"name" ]; NSLog (@"%@" ,teacher); [teacher setValue:@"linxiaohai1" forKey:@"_name" ]; NSLog (@"%@" ,teacher); [teacher setValue:@(29 ) forKey:@"age" ]; NSLog (@"%@" ,teacher); [teacher setValue:@(YES ) forKey:@"male" ]; NSLog (@"%@" ,teacher); [teacher setValue:@(NO ) forKey:@"_male" ]; NSLog (@"%@" ,teacher); [teacher setValue:@"This is a readOnly Value" forKey:@"readonlyValue" ]; NSLog (@"%@" ,teacher); [teacher setValue:@"This is a readOnly Value 2" forKey:@"_readonlyValue" ]; NSLog (@"%@" ,teacher); NSLog (@"Test: %d" , [[teacher valueForKey:@"test" ] boolValue]); [teacher setValue:@(YES ) forKey:@"test" ]; NSLog (@"%@" ,teacher); NSLog (@"Test: %d" , [[teacher valueForKey:@"test" ] boolValue]); } return 0 ; }
2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .860598 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] name = linxiaohai age= 0 readOnlyValue = (null) is Male = 0 2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .860744 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] name = linxiaohai age= 29 readOnlyValue = (null) is Male = 0 2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .860916 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] name = linxiaohai age= 29 readOnlyValue = (null) is Male = 0 2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .861087 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] name = linxiaohai age= 29 readOnlyValue = (null) is Male = 1 2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .861213 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] name = linxiaohai age= 29 readOnlyValue = This is a readOnly Value is Male = 1 2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .861348 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] name = linxiaohai age= 29 readOnlyValue = This is a readOnly Value 2 is Male = 1 2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .861422 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] male: 1 2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .877241 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] ===================================================2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .877501 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] Test: 0 2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .877765 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] name = linxiaohai age= 29 readOnlyValue = This is a readOnly Value 2 is Male = 1 2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .877824 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] Test: 1 2019 -06 -21 11 :27 :36 .877867 +0800 KVC-Demo[42518 :5605320 ] ===================================================
-(void)setValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key 规则:
首先搜索 setter 方法,有就直接赋值。 如果上面的 setter 方法没有找到,再检查类方法+ (BOOL)accessInstanceVariablesDirectly 返回 NO,则执行set Value:for UNdefinedKey: 返回 YES,则按_<key> ,_<isKey> ,<key> ,<isKey> 的顺序搜索[实例变量]注意这里是搜索实例变量,不是属性。 还没有找到的话,就调用set Value:for UndefinedKey:
总结来说就是KVC设值的顺序如下: setKey -> _key -> _isKey -> key -> isKey
-(id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key 规则
* 首先查找 getter 方法,找到直接调用。如果是 bool、int 、float 等基本数据类型,会做 NSNumber 的转换。 * 如果没查到,再检查类方法+ (BOOL)accessInstanceVariablesDirectly * 返回 NO,则执行valueForUNdefinedKey: * 返回 YES,则按_<key> ,_is<Key> ,<key> ,is <Key> 的顺序搜索实例变量。 * 如果没有则查找countOf<Key> ,objectIn<Key> AtIndex或<Key> AtIndexes格式的方法,如果countOf<Key> 方法和另外两个方法中的一个被找到,那么就会返回一个可以响应NSArray所有方法的代理集合 * 还没找到则查找countOf<Key> ,enumeratorOf<Key> ,memberOf<Key> 格式的方法,如果这三个方法都找到,那么就返回一个可以响应NSSet所的方法的代理集合。 * 还没有找到的话,调用valueForUndefinedKey:
总结来说就是KVC取值的顺序如下: getKey -> _key -> _isKey -> key -> isKey -> [countOf <Key> objectIn<Key>AtIndex <Key>AtIndexes] -> [countOf<Key>,enumeratorOf<Key>,memberOf<Key>]
keyPath 用法:
Teacher *teacher = [Teacher new];Student *student = [Student new];[student setValue:@"Jimmy" forKey:@"name" ]; [teacher setValue:student forKey:@"student" ]; NSString *studentName = [teacher valueForKeyPath:@"student.name" ];NSLog (@"Student name: %@" ,studentName);[teacher setValue:@"linxiaohai" forKeyPath:@"student.name" ];
2. 异常处理 如果都没找到对应的key就会调用setValue:forUndefinedKey: 和valueForUndefinedKey: 下面是一个例子:
增加 - (void)setValue:(id )value forUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key { if ([key isEqualToString:@"undefineKey" ]) { NSLog(@"=========> %@" ,value ); } } 在调用[teacher setValue:@"valueForUndefineKey" forKey:@"undefineKey" ] 的时候就会打出如下log =========> valueForUndefineKey 增加: - (id )valueForUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"This is A default Value for %@" ,key ]; } 在调用 NSLog(@"Test: %@" , [teacher valueForKey:@"undefineKey" ]); 就会打出如下Log: Test: This is A default Value for undefineKey
- (NSMutableArray *)mutableArrayValueForKey:(NSString *)key; - (void )setNilValueForKey:(NSString *)key;
3. 字典转模型 使用字典来初始化模型
NSDictionary *catogiresDic = @{ @"id" :@1 , @"image" :@"@www.iPhone.com" , @"name" :@"iPhone" , @"price" :@"100.03" }; CategoryList *catogires = [[CategoryList alloc] init]; [catogires setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:catogiresDic];
NSDictionary *value = [catogires dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:@[@"name",@" image "]];
4. 集合操作 KVC对于数组而言最大的功能还是获取集合类的 count,max,min,avg,sum 这是一个很好用的功能
NSLog(@"count of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"bookList.@count" ]) ;NSLog(@"count of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"bookList.@count.price" ]) ;NSLog(@"min of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"bookList.@min.price" ]) ;NSLog(@"avg of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"bookList.@max.price" ]) ;NSLog(@"sum of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"bookList.@sum.price" ]) ;NSLog(@"avg of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"bookList.@avg.price" ]) ;
NSLog(@"count of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"@count" ]) ;NSLog(@"count of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"@count.self" ]) ;NSLog(@"min of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"bookList.self" ]) ;NSLog(@"avg of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"bookList.self" ]) ;NSLog(@"sum of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"bookList.self" ]) ;NSLog(@"avg of book price : %@" ,[student valueForKeyPath :@"bookList.self" ]) ;
@distinctUnionOfObjects @unionOfObjects
NSArray* arrDistinct = [arrBooks valueForKeyPath:@" @distinctUnionOfObjects.price"]; NSArray* arrUnion = [arrBooks valueForKeyPath:@" @unionOfObjects.price"];
IDLProductModel *productA = [[IDLProductModel alloc] init];productA.price = 99.0 ; productA.name = @"iPod" ; IDLProductModel *productB = [[IDLProductModel alloc] init];productB.price = 199000.0 ; productB.name = @"iMac" ; IDLProductModel *productC = [[IDLProductModel alloc] init];productC.price = 2990.0 ; productC.name = @"iPhone" ; IDLProductModel *productD = [[IDLProductModel alloc] init];productD.price = 1990.0 ; productD.name = @"iPhone" ; NSArray *product = @[productA, productB, productC, productD];
NSArray * distinctUnionOfArrays = [@[product, product] valueForKeyPath:@"@distinctUnionOfArrays.price" ];NSArray * unionOfArrays = [@[product, product] valueForKeyPath:@"@unionOfArrays.price" ];NSSet * setA = [NSSet setWithObjects:productA, productB, nil ];NSSet * setB = [NSSet setWithObjects:productC, productD, nil ];NSSet * set = [NSSet setWithObjects:setA, setB, nil ];NSSet * allSet = [set valueForKeyPath:@"@distinctUnionOfSets.name" ];
5. 键值验证 KVC提供了验证Key对应的Value是否可用的方法,但是这个方法不会自动调用,必须在使用的时候手动调用:
- (BOOL) validateValue:(inoutid*) ioValue forKey:(NSString*) inKey error:(outNSError**) outError;
- (BOOL )validateValue:(inout id _Nullable __autoreleasing *)ioValue forKey:(NSString *)inKey error:(out NSError * _Nullable __autoreleasing *)outError { NSNumber *age = *ioValue; if (age.integerValue == 10 ) { return NO ; } return YES ; } NSNumber *age = @10 ;NSError * error;NSString *key = @"age" ;BOOL isValid = [test validateValue:&age forKey:key error:&error];
NSArray *arr = @[@"iPod" , @"iPhone" , @"iMac" , @"iPhone8 Plus" ];NSArray *uppercaseStrArr = [arr valueForKeyPath:@"uppercaseString" ];
NSArray * array = @[ @{ @"name" : @"iPod", @"price" : @99 }, @{ @"name" : @"iPhone", @"price" : @199}, @{ @"name" : @"iPhone", @"price" : @299}, @{ @"name" : @"iPhone", @"price" : @299}, ]; NSLog(@"% @", [array valueForKeyPath:@"name"]);//iPod,iPhone,iPhone,iPhone
KVO — Key Value Observer 键值观察 1. KVO 的基本使用 KVO 适合任何对象监听另一个对象的改变,这是一个对象与另外一个对象保持同步的一种方法。KVO 只能对属性做出反应,不会用来对方法或者动作做出反应
[_person addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"age" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld | NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial |NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior context:nil ];
- (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *) keyPath ofObject:(id) object change:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *) change context:(void *) context { NSLog(@"%@对象的%@属性改变了:%@" ,object,keyPath,change) ; }
[self .person removeObserver: self forKeyPath: @"age" ];
NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew = 0x01 change字典包括改变后的值 NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld = 0x02 change字典包括改变前的值 NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial = 0x04 注册后立刻触发KVO通知 NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior = 0x08 如果指定,则在每次修改属性时,会在修改通知被发送之前预先发送一条通知给观察者, 这与-willChangeValueForKey:被触发的时间是相对应的。 这样,在每次修改属性时,实际上是会发送两条通知。
2. KVO 触发规则:
3. 设置相互关联的属性 假如有个 Person 类,类里有三个属性,fullName、firstName、lastName。这种情况如果需要观察名字的变化,就要分别添加 fullName、firstName、lastName 三次观察,非常麻烦。通过设置相互关联的属性就会在关联的属性发生变化的时候,另外的属性也受到通知。
@interface Person : NSObject @property (nonatomic , strong ) NSString *firstName;@property (nonatomic , strong ) NSString *lastName;@property (nonatomic , strong ) NSString *fullName;@end @implementation Person + (NSSet <NSString *> *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingFullName { return [NSSet setWithObjects:@"firstName" ,@"lastName" , nil ]; } @end [_person addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"fullName" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:nil ]; [_person setValue:@"FistName" forKey:@"fistName" ];
上面的例子中我们不论设置Person类的firstName或者lastName 都会触发 fullName 的观察。
4. 手动KVO (禁用自动KVO) @interface Target : NSObject { int age; } - (int )age; - (void )setAge:(int )theAge; @end @implementation Target - (id )init { self = [super init]; if (nil != self ) { age = 10 ; } return self ; } - (int )age { return age; } - (void )setAge:(int )theAge { [self willChangeValueForKey:@"age" ]; age = theAge; [self didChangeValueForKey:@"age" ]; } + (BOOL )automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:(NSString *)key { if ([key isEqualToString:@"age" ]) { return NO ; } return [super automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:key]; } @end
需要手动实现属性的 setter 方法,并在设置操作的前后分别调用 willChangeValueForKey: 和 didChangeValueForKey方法
实现类方法 automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey,并在其中设置对该 key 不自动发送通知(返回 NO 即可)。这里要注意,对其它非手动实现的 key,要转交给 super 来处理。
5. 查看某个对象有哪些属性被监听 如果我们想获取一个对象上有哪些观察者正在监听其属性的修改,则可以查看对象的observationInfo属性
id info = object .observationInfo; NSLog(@"%@" , [info description ]) ;
6.KVO 原理: KVO 是通过 isa-swizzling 实现的,当某个类的对象第一次被观察时,系统就会在运行期动态地创建该类的一个派生类,在这个派生类中做如下的几方面工作: 1. 重写基类中任何被观察属性的 setter 方法,而通过重写就获得了 KVO 需要的通知机制- (void )setName:(NSString *)newName { [self willChangeValueForKey:@"name" ]; [super setValue:newName forKey:@"name" ]; [self didChangeValueForKey:@"name" ]; } KVO 在调用存取方法之前总是调用 willChangeValueForKey:,通知系统该 keyPath 的属性值即将变更。 当改变发生后,didChangeValueForKey: 被调用,通知系统该 keyPath 的属性值已经变更。 之后,observeValueForKey:ofObject:change:context: 也会被调用。 2. 让这个重写的类成为原来类的派生类:除了完成上面提到的第一步操作的同时派生类还重写了class 方法以“欺骗”外部调用者它就是起初的那个类。然后系统将这个对象的 isa 指针指向这个新诞生的派生类,因此这个对象就成为该派生类的对象了,因而在该对象上对 setter 的调用就会调用重写的 setter ,从而激活键值通知机制 3. 重写派生类的dealloc 方法释放资源
扩展阅读 *KVO进阶——KVO实现探究