YYText的使用 YYLabel特性介绍
YYLabel 是一个只读TextView,它除了具备UILabel所必备的特性外,还支持如下特性:
* 支持异步布局和渲染,避免阻塞UI线程* 通过扩展CoreText属性来支持更多的文本特效* 允许文本和UIImage, UIView 和 CALayer 进行图文混排* 允许添加局部用户可交互的高亮链接* 允许添加和移除container路径来控制文本container的形状* 支持纵向布局显示文本
* 通过扩展CoreText属性来支持更多的文本特效* 允许文本和UIImage, UIView 和 CALayer 进行图文混排* 允许添加局部用户可交互的高亮链接* 允许添加和移除container路径来控制文本container的形状* 支持纵向布局显示文本* 允许用户在text view之间复制图像和富文本* 可以将属性文本作为占位文本
YYLabel/YYTextView 常用属性
@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) NSString *text;@property (null_resettable , nonatomic , strong ) UIFont *font;@property (null_resettable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *textColor;@property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *shadowColor;@property (nonatomic ) CGSize shadowOffset;@property (nonatomic ) CGFloat shadowBlurRadius;@property (nonatomic ) NSTextAlignment textAlignment;@property (nonatomic ) YYTextVerticalAlignment textVerticalAlignment;@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) NSAttributedString *attributedText;@property (nonatomic ) NSLineBreakMode lineBreakMode;@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) NSAttributedString *truncationToken;@property (nonatomic ) NSUInteger numberOfLines;@property (nonatomic ) CGFloat preferredMaxLayoutWidth;@property (nonatomic ) UIDataDetectorTypes dataDetectorTypes;@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) NSDictionary <NSString *, id > *linkTextAttributes;@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) NSDictionary <NSString *, id > *highlightTextAttributes;@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) NSDictionary <NSString *, id > *typingAttributes;@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) NSString *placeholderText;@property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIFont *placeholderFont;@property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *placeholderTextColor;@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) NSAttributedString *placeholderAttributedText;@property (nonatomic ) NSRange selectedRange;@property (nonatomic ) BOOL clearsOnInsertion;@property (nonatomic , getter =isSelectable) BOOL selectable;@property (nonatomic , getter =isHighlightable) BOOL highlightable;@property (nonatomic , getter =isEditable) BOOL editable;@property (nonatomic ) BOOL allowsPasteImage;@property (nonatomic ) BOOL allowsPasteAttributedString;@property (nonatomic ) BOOL allowsCopyAttributedString;@property (nonatomic ) BOOL allowsUndoAndRedo;@property (nonatomic ) NSUInteger maximumUndoLevel;@property (nullable , nonatomic , readwrite , strong ) __kindof UIView *inputView;@property (nullable , nonatomic , readwrite , strong ) __kindof UIView *inputAccessoryView;@property (nonatomic ) CGFloat extraAccessoryViewHeight;
@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) YYTextAction textTapAction;@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) YYTextAction textLongPressAction;@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) YYTextAction highlightTapAction;@property (nullable , nonatomic , copy ) YYTextAction highlightLongPressAction;@property (nonatomic ) UIEdgeInsets textContainerInset;
@property (nonatomic ) BOOL displaysAsynchronously;@property (nonatomic ) BOOL clearContentsBeforeAsynchronouslyDisplay;@property (nonatomic ) BOOL fadeOnAsynchronouslyDisplay;@property (nonatomic ) BOOL fadeOnHighlight;@property (nonatomic ) BOOL ignoreCommonProperties;
1. If you only need a UILabel alternative to display rich text and receive link touch event, you do not need to adjust the display mode properties. 如果你只想要作为UILabel来显示富文本或者接受链接点击事件,我们不需要设置上面的显示模式属性。 2. If you have performance issues, you may enable the asynchronous display mode by setting the `displaysAsynchronously` to YES. 如果我们遇到了性能问题需要提高文本的显示性能,那么可以将displaysAsynchronously设置为YES使用异步显示模式 3. If you want to get the highest performance, you should do text layout with `YYTextLayout` class in background thread. Here's an example: 如果我们想获得最高的性能,我们需要在后台使用YYTextLayout来做布局
1. 属性文本
属性文本样式设置大家可以查看NSAttributedString+YYText.h文件,我们用得比较多的是NSMutableAttributedString ,下面只列出用得比较多的,大家使用的时候可以查看NSAttributedString+YYText.h:
- (void )yy_setAttribute:(NSString *)name value:(nullable id )value; - (void )yy_setAttribute:(NSString *)name value:(nullable id )value range:(NSRange )range; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong , readwrite ) UIFont *yy_font;- (void )yy_setFont:(nullable UIFont *)font range:(NSRange )range; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong , readwrite ) UIColor *yy_color;- (void )yy_setColor:(nullable UIColor *)color range:(NSRange )range; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong , readwrite ) UIColor *yy_backgroundColor;- (void )yy_setBackgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *)backgroundColor range:(NSRange )range; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong , readwrite ) NSNumber *yy_strokeWidth;- (void )yy_setStrokeWidth:(nullable NSNumber *)strokeWidth range:(NSRange )range; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong , readwrite ) UIColor *yy_strokeColor;- (void )yy_setStrokeColor:(nullable UIColor *)strokeColor range:(NSRange )range; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong , readwrite ) NSShadow *yy_shadow;- (void )yy_setShadow:(nullable NSShadow *)shadow range:(NSRange )range; @property (nonatomic , readwrite ) NSUnderlineStyle yy_strikethroughStyle;- (void )yy_setStrikethroughStyle:(NSUnderlineStyle )strikethroughStyle range:(NSRange )range; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong , readwrite ) UIColor *yy_strikethroughColor;- (void )yy_setStrikethroughColor:(nullable UIColor *)strikethroughColor range:(NSRange )range NS_AVAILABLE_IOS (7 _0); @property (nonatomic , readwrite ) NSUnderlineStyle yy_underlineStyle;- (void )yy_setUnderlineStyle:(NSUnderlineStyle )underlineStyle range:(NSRange )range; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong , readwrite ) UIColor *yy_underlineColor;- (void )yy_setUnderlineColor:(nullable UIColor *)underlineColor range:(NSRange )range;
@property (nullable , nonatomic , strong , readwrite ) NSParagraphStyle *yy_paragraphStyle;- (void )yy_setParagraphStyle:(nullable NSParagraphStyle *)paragraphStyle range:(NSRange )range; @property (nonatomic , readwrite ) NSTextAlignment yy_alignment;- (void )yy_setAlignment:(NSTextAlignment )alignment range:(NSRange )range; @property (nonatomic , readwrite ) NSLineBreakMode yy_lineBreakMode;- (void )yy_setLineBreakMode:(NSLineBreakMode )lineBreakMode range:(NSRange )range; @property (nonatomic , readwrite ) CGFloat yy_lineSpacing;- (void )yy_setLineSpacing:(CGFloat )lineSpacing range:(NSRange )range; @property (nonatomic , readwrite ) CGFloat yy_paragraphSpacing;- (void )yy_setParagraphSpacing:(CGFloat )paragraphSpacing range:(NSRange )range; @property (nonatomic , readwrite ) CGFloat yy_paragraphSpacingBefore;- (void )yy_setParagraphSpacingBefore:(CGFloat )paragraphSpacingBefore range:(NSRange )range; @property (nonatomic , readwrite ) CGFloat yy_firstLineHeadIndent;- (void )yy_setFirstLineHeadIndent:(CGFloat )firstLineHeadIndent range:(NSRange )range; @property (nonatomic , readwrite ) CGFloat yy_minimumLineHeight;- (void )yy_setMinimumLineHeight:(CGFloat )minimumLineHeight range:(NSRange )range; @property (nonatomic , readwrite ) CGFloat yy_maximumLineHeight;- (void )yy_setMaximumLineHeight:(CGFloat )maximumLineHeight range:(NSRange )range;
NSMutableAttributedString * attributeStr = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"测试文本,测试文本测试文本测试文本测试文本测试文本测试文本测试文本" ];attributeStr.yy_font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:18.0 ]; [attributeStr yy_setColor:[UIColor blueColor] range:NSMakeRange (0 , 50 )]; attributeStr.yy_lineSpacing = 20.0 ; YYLabel * yyLabel = [[YYLabel alloc] init ];yyLabel.attributedText = attributeStr; yyLabel.numberOfLines = 0 ; yyLabel.frame = CGRectMake (0.0 , 0.0 , self .view.bounds.size.width, 400.0 ); [self .view addSubview:yyLabel];
2. 文本高亮
使用YYText还可以为某些文本指定高亮文本样式,默认的是浅蓝色的文本,如果是常见的比如电话号码之类的可以使用UIDataDetectorTypes来快速指定,但是如果是自定义的则可以有两种方式可以指定高亮文本: 一种是通过yy_setTextHighlightRange 来指定,但是这种方式能设置的样式比较有限,只能设置前景色和背景色,但是对于一般的需求是足够用了:
- (void )yy_setTextHighlightRange:(NSRange )range color:(nullable UIColor *)color backgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *)backgroundColor userInfo:(nullable NSDictionary *)userInfo tapAction:(nullable YYTextAction)tapAction longPressAction:(nullable YYTextAction)longPressAction;
另一种是借助YYTextHighlight ,下面是YYTextHighlight所能设置的属性:
+ (instancetype)highlightWithBackgroundColor:(nullable UIColor *)color; - (void)setFont:(nullable UIFont *)font; - (void)setColor:(nullable UIColor *)color; - (void)setStrokeWidth:(nullable NSNumber *)width; - (void)setStrokeColor:(nullable UIColor *)color; - (void)setShadow:(nullable YYTextShadow *)shadow; - (void)setInnerShadow:(nullable YYTextShadow *)shadow; - (void)setUnderline:(nullable YYTextDecoration *)underline; - (void)setStrikethrough:(nullable YYTextDecoration *)strikethrough; - (void)setBackgroundBorder:(nullable YYTextBorder *)border; - (void)setBorder:(nullable YYTextBorder *)border; - (void)setAttachment:(nullable YYTextAttachment *)attachment; @property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) YYTextAction tapAction;@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) YYTextAction longPressAction;
@interface YYTextBorder : NSObject <NSCoding , NSCopying >+ (instancetype )borderWithLineStyle:(YYTextLineStyle)lineStyle lineWidth:(CGFloat )width strokeColor:(nullable UIColor *)color; + (instancetype )borderWithFillColor:(nullable UIColor *)color cornerRadius:(CGFloat )cornerRadius; @property (nonatomic ) YYTextLineStyle lineStyle; @property (nonatomic ) CGFloat strokeWidth; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *strokeColor; @property (nonatomic ) CGLineJoin lineJoin; @property (nonatomic ) UIEdgeInsets insets; @property (nonatomic ) CGFloat cornerRadius; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) YYTextShadow *shadow; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *fillColor; @end
NSMutableAttributedString * attributeStr = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"旧时月色,算几番照我,梅边吹笛?唤起玉人,不管清寒与攀摘.何逊而今渐老,都忘却,春风词笔.但怪得,竹外疏花,春冷入瑶席.江国,正寂寂.叹寄与路遥,夜雪初积.翠尊易泣,红萼无言耿相忆.常记曾携手处,千树压.梅湖寒碧,又片片吹尽也,何时得见? " ];attributeStr.yy_font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:18.0 ]; attributeStr.yy_lineSpacing = 20.0 ; YYTextBorder * border = [YYTextBorder borderWithFillColor:[UIColor magentaColor] cornerRadius:4 ];YYTextHighlight * highlight = [[YYTextHighlight alloc] init ];[highlight setColor:[UIColor blueColor]]; [highlight setBackgroundBorder:border]; highlight.tapAction = ^ (UIView * containerView, NSAttributedString * text, NSRange range, CGRect rect) { }; [attributeStr yy_setTextHighlight:highlight range:NSMakeRange (0 , 150 )]; YYLabel * yyLabel = [[YYLabel alloc] init ];yyLabel.attributedText = attributeStr; yyLabel.numberOfLines = 0 ; yyLabel.frame = CGRectMake (0.0 , 0.0 , self .view.bounds.size.width, 400.0 ); [self .view addSubview:yyLabel];
3. 图文混排
/* * Creates and returns an attachment. Example: ContentMode:bottom Alignment:Top. The text The attachment holder ↓ ↓ ─────────┌──────────────────────┐─────── / \ │ │ / ___| / _ \ │ │ | | / ___ \ │ │| |___ ←── The text line /_/ \_\│ ██████████████ │ \____ | ─────────│ ██████████████ │─────── │ ██████████████ │ │ ██████████████ ←───────────────── The attachment content │ ██████████████ │ └──────────────────────┘ @param content The attachment (UIImage/UIView/CALayer). @param contentMode The attachment's content mode in attachment holder @param attachmentSize The attachment holder's size in text layout. @param fontSize The attachment will align to this font. @param alignment The attachment holder's alignment to text line. @return An attributed string, or nil if an error occurs. @since YYText:6.0 * / + (NSMutableAttributedString * )yy_attachmentStringWithContent:(nullable id)content contentMode:(UIViewContentMode)contentMode attachmentSize:(CGSize)attachmentSize alignToFont:(UIFont * )font alignment:(YYTextVerticalAlignment)alignment;
NSMutableAttributedString * text = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"图片前面的文本" ];UIFont * font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:18 ];UIImage * image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image" ];NSMutableAttributedString * attachment = nil ;attachment = [NSMutableAttributedString yy_attachmentStringWithContent:image contentMode:UIViewContentModeCenter attachmentSize:image.size alignToFont:font alignment:YYTextVerticalAlignmentCenter ]; [text appendAttributedString: attachment]; NSMutableAttributedString * text1 = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"图片后面的文本" ];[text appendAttributedString: text1]; YYLabel * yyLabel = [[YYLabel alloc] init ];yyLabel.attributedText = text; yyLabel.numberOfLines = 0 ; yyLabel.textColor = [UIColor blueColor]; yyLabel.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:20.0 ]; yyLabel.frame = CGRectMake (0.0 , 0.0 , self .view.bounds.size.width, 400.0 ); [self .view addSubview:yyLabel];
4. 文本容器
/** The YYTextContainer class defines a region in which text is laid out. YYTextLayout class uses one or more YYTextContainer objects to generate layouts. A YYTextContainer defines rectangular regions (`size` and `insets`) or nonrectangular shapes (`path`), and you can define exclusion paths inside the text container's bounding rectangle so that text flows around the exclusion path as it is laid out. All methods in this class is thread-safe. Example: ┌─────────────────────────────┐ < │ │ │ asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfa < │ asdfasdfa asdfasdfa │ │ asdfas asdasd │ │ asdfa < │ asdfas adfasd │ │ asdfasdfa asdfasdfa │ │ asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfa │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────┘ */
我们的布局都是基于文本容器的,YYTextContainer可以用size和inset指定规则的文本容器,可以使用path来指定不规则的文本容器,还可以通过exclusion在已有的容器中挖去一个形状。 我们用得比较多的是规则的矩形:
+ (instancetype )containerWithSize:(CGSize )size insets:(UIEdgeInsets )insets; + (instancetype )containerWithPath:(nullable UIBezierPath *)path;
5. 文本布局计算
/** YYTextLayout class is a readonly class stores text layout result . All the property in this class is readonly, and should not be changed. The methods in this class is thread-safe (except some of the draw methods). example: (layout with a circle exclusion path) ┌──────────────────────────┐ < │ [ │ [ │ [-Line2-] [-Line3-] │ <- Row2 │ [-Line4] [Line5-] │ <- Row3 │ [-Line6-] [-Line7-] │ <- Row4 │ [ │ [ └──────────────────────────┘ */
/** Generate a layout with the given container size and text . @param size The text container @param text The text (if nil, returns nil). @return A new layout, or nil when an error occurs. */ + (nullable YYTextLayout *)layoutWithContainerSize:(CGSize)size text :(NSAttributedString *)text ; /** Generate a layout with the given container and text . @param container The text container (if nil, returns nil). @param text The text (if nil, returns nil). @return A new layout, or nil when an error occurs. */ + (nullable YYTextLayout *)layoutWithContainer:(YYTextContainer *)container text :(NSAttributedString *)text ;
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) CGRect textBoundingRect;@property (nonatomic , readonly ) CGSize textBoundingSize;@property (nonatomic , readonly ) NSUInteger rowCount;
CGSize size = CGSizeMake(300 , CGFLOAT_MAX); YYTextLayout *layout = [YYTextLayout layoutWithContainerSize:size text :text ]; YYLabel *label = [[YYLabel alloc] init]; label .textColor = [UIColor blueColor];label .frame = CGRectMake(0.0 , 0.0 , self.view .bounds.size.width , 400.0 );label .attributedText= text ;label .textLayout = layout;[self.view addSubview:label ];
6. 文本行位置调整
由于中文、英文、Emoji 高度不一致,或者富文本中出现了不同字号的字体;可能会造成每行文字的高度不一致。可以添加一个修改器来解决这个问题:
UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] init]; label .text = @"fsfdsfsdfsdffsfdsfsdfsdffsfdsfsdfsdffsfdsfsdfsdffsfdsfsdfsdffsfdsfsdfsdffsfdsfsdfsdffsfdsfsdfsdf我们women!!!☆★☆★☆★(=@__@=) O(∩_∩)O~我们women!!!我们women!!!我们women!!! (*^__^*)☆★☆★☆★我们women!!!我们women!!!我们women!!!我们women!!!我们women!!!" ;label .numberOfLines = 0 ;label .frame = CGRectMake(0.0 , 0.0 , self.view .bounds.size.width , 400.0 );label .textColor = [UIColor blueColor];label .font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:20.0 ];[self.view addSubview:label ];
7. 异步排版和渲染
YYLabel *label = [YYLabel new]; label.displaysAsynchronously = YES ; label.ignoreCommonProperties = YES ; dispatch_async (dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0 ), ^{ NSMutableAttributedString *text = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Some Text" ]; text.yy_font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:16 ]; text.yy_color = [UIColor grayColor]; [text yy_setColor:[UIColor redColor] range:NSMakeRange (0 , 4 )]; YYTextContainer *container = [YYTextContainer new]; container.size = CGSizeMake (100 , CGFLOAT_MAX ); container.maximumNumberOfRows = 0 ; YYTextLayout *layout = [YYTextLayout layoutWithContainer:container text:text]; dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ label.size = layout.textBoundingSize; label.textLayout = layout; }); });
8. 文本解析
YYTextParser用于text的解析,YYText默认内置了YYTextSimpleMarkdownParser ,YYTextSimpleEmoticonParser 两种文本解析器。分别用于解析Markdown和Emoj表情。#pragma endregion 如果想要自定义文本解析器则只要遵循YYTextParser协议,并覆写如下方法:
- (BOOL )parseText:(nullable NSMutableAttributedString *)text selectedRange:(nullable NSRangePointer )selectedRange;
// 内置简单的表情解析 YYTextSimpleEmoticonParser *parser = [YYTextSimpleEmoticonParser new];NSMutableDictionary *mapper = [NSMutableDictionary new];mapper[@":smile:" ] = [UIImage imageNamed:@"smile.png" ]; mapper[@":cool:" ] = [UIImage imageNamed:@"cool.png" ]; mapper[@":cry:" ] = [UIImage imageNamed:@"cry.png" ]; mapper[@":wink:" ] = [UIImage imageNamed:@"wink.png" ]; parser.emoticonMapper = mapper; // 内置简单的 markdown 解析 YYTextSimpleMarkdownParser *parser = [YYTextSimpleMarkdownParser new];[parser setColorWithDarkTheme]; // 实现 `YYTextParser` 协议的自定义解析器 MyCustomParser *parser = ... // 2. 把解析器添加到 YYLabel 或 YYTextView YYLabel *label = ...label.textParser = parser; YYTextView *textView = ...textView.textParser = parser;
9. YYTextBinding
YYTextBinding 用于将某些文本绑定在一起,在文本选择或者编辑的时候看作一个字符整体对待。
UIFont *font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:16 ];for (int i = 0 ; i < tags.count; i++) { NSString *tag = tags[i]; NSMutableAttributedString *tagText = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:tag]; tagText.yy_font = font; tagText.yy_color = [UIColor whiteColor]; [tagText yy_setTextBinding:[YYTextBinding bindingWithDeleteConfirm:NO ] range:tagText.yy_rangeOfAll]; YYTextBorder *border = [YYTextBorder new]; border.strokeWidth = 1.5 ; border.strokeColor = tagStrokeColors[i]; border.fillColor = tagFillColors[i]; border.cornerRadius = 100 ; border.lineJoin = kCGLineJoinBevel; border.insets = UIEdgeInsetsMake (-2 , -5.5 , -2 , -8 ); [tagText yy_setTextBackgroundBorder:border range:[tagText.string rangeOfString:tag]]; [text appendAttributedString:tagText]; } text.yy_lineSpacing = 10 ; text.yy_lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping ; [text yy_appendString:@"\n" ]; [text appendAttributedString:text]; _textView .attributedText = text;
10. YYTextShadow
YYTextShadow 是给富文本添加阴影用的:
NSMutableAttributedString *one = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Shadow" ];one.yy_font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:30 ]; one.yy_color = [UIColor whiteColor]; YYTextShadow *shadow = [YYTextShadow new]; shadow.color = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.000 alpha:0.490 ]; shadow.offset = CGSizeMake (0 , 1 ); shadow.radius = 5 ; one.yy_textShadow = shadow;
NSMutableAttributedString *one = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Inner Shadow" ];one.yy_font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:30 ]; one.yy_color = [UIColor whiteColor]; YYTextShadow *shadow = [YYTextShadow new]; shadow.color = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.000 alpha:0.40 ]; shadow.offset = CGSizeMake (0 , 1 ); shadow.radius = 1 ; one.yy_textInnerShadow = shadow;
NSMutableAttributedString *one = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Multiple Shadows" ]; one.yy_font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:30]; one.yy_color = [UIColor colorWithRed:1 .000 green:0 .795 blue:0.014 alpha:1 .000 ];YYTextShadow *shadow = [YYTextShadow new]; shadow.color = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0 .000 alpha:0 .20 ];shadow.offset = CGSizeMake(0 , -1 );shadow.radius = 1 .5 ;YYTextShadow *subShadow = [YYTextShadow new]; subShadow.color = [UIColor colorWithWhite:1 alpha:0 .99 ];subShadow.offset = CGSizeMake(0 , 1 );subShadow.radius = 1 .5 ;shadow.subShadow = subShadow; one.yy_textShadow = shadow;
NSMutableAttributedString *one = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Yet Another Link" ]; one.yy_font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:30]; one.yy_color = [UIColor whiteColor];YYTextShadow *shadow = [YYTextShadow new]; shadow.color = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0 .000 alpha:0 .490 ];shadow.offset = CGSizeMake(0 , 1 );shadow.radius = 5 ;one.yy_textShadow = shadow; YYTextShadow *shadow0 = [YYTextShadow new]; shadow0.color = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0 .000 alpha:0 .20 ];shadow0.offset = CGSizeMake(0 , -1 );shadow0.radius = 1 .5 ;YYTextShadow *shadow1 = [YYTextShadow new]; shadow1.color = [UIColor colorWithWhite:1 alpha:0 .99 ];shadow1.offset = CGSizeMake(0 , 1 );shadow1.radius = 1 .5 ;shadow0.subShadow = shadow1; YYTextShadow *innerShadow0 = [YYTextShadow new]; innerShadow0.color = [UIColor colorWithRed:0 .851 green:0 .311 blue:0.000 alpha:0 .780 ]; innerShadow0.offset = CGSizeMake(0 , 1 ); innerShadow0.radius = 1 ; YYTextHighlight *highlight = [YYTextHighlight new]; [highlight setColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:1 .000 green:0 .795 blue:0.014 alpha:1 .000 ]]; [highlight setShadow:shadow0]; [highlight setInnerShadow:innerShadow0];[one yy_setTextHighlight:highlight range:one.yy_rangeOfAll];
11. YYTextBorder
YYTextBorder *border = [YYTextBorder new ]; border .strokeColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1.000 green:0.029 blue:0.651 alpha:1.000 ];border .strokeWidth = 3 ;border .lineStyle = YYTextLineStylePatternCircleDot;border .cornerRadius = 3 ;border .insets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0 , -4 , 0 , -4 );one.yy_textBackgroundBorder = border ;
YYTextBorder *border = [YYTextBorder new]; border.cornerRadius = 50 ;border.insets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0 , -10 , 0 , -10 );border.strokeWidth = 0 .5 ;border.strokeColor = one.yy_color;border.lineStyle = YYTextLineStyleSingle;one.yy_textBackgroundBorder = border; YYTextBorder *highlightBorder = border.copy; highlightBorder.strokeWidth = 0 ;highlightBorder.strokeColor = one.yy_color; highlightBorder.fillColor = one.yy_color; YYTextHighlight *highlight = [YYTextHighlight new]; [highlight setColor:[UIColor whiteColor]]; [highlight setBackgroundBorder:highlightBorder]; highlight.tapAction = ^(UIView *containerView, NSAttributedString *text, NSRange range, CGRect rect) { [_self showMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Tap: %@" ,[text.string substringWithRange:range]]]; };[one yy_setTextHighlight:highlight range:one.yy_rangeOfAll];
12. Debug
YYTextDebugOption *debug Options = [YYTextDebugOption new]; [YYTextDebugOption set SharedDebugOption:debug Options];
@property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *baselineColor; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *CTFrameBorderColor ; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *CTFrameFillColor ; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *CTLineBorderColor ; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *CTLineFillColor ; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *CTLineNumberColor ; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *CTRunBorderColor ; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *CTRunFillColor ; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *CTRunNumberColor ; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *CGGlyphBorderColor ; @property (nullable , nonatomic , strong ) UIColor *CGGlyphFillColor ;
13. 其他
@implementation MyView { NSTimer *_timer; } - (void )initTimer { YYTextWeakProxy *proxy = [YYTextWeakProxy proxyWithTarget:self]; _timer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:0 .1 target:proxy selector:@selector(tick:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES ]; } - (void )tick:(NSTimer *)timer {...} @end